Writer and researcher with a background in finance and startups. Favorite topics include business, marketing, and technology
Writer and researcher with a background in finance and startups. Favorite topics include business, marketing, and technology
Streamline your monthly financial reporting and management without the full-time CFO pricing.
Services for startup clients include: accounting and back office tech stack set-up; financial reporting; workflow mapping & automation.
Franchise restaurant clients: financial reporting; sales reconciliations; third party fees reconciliation & royalties/marketing fees analysis.
Increase your marketing game with a customized marketing plan
Discover deep insights beyond the 4Ps to reach your target audience in an intentional and effective way
Get comfortable with content marketing options and prioritize the top three that makes sense for your business
Increase member engagement, establish topical authority, and improve your lead generation
Personalize and activate your brand’s voice on the platform
Small businesses represent close to 99.9% of businesses in the US. They range from businesses without W-2 payroll employees to companies with less than 500 employees. They face organizational, technological, and environmental challenges everyday.